3 December 2017

Świąteczny konkurs

Poniżej prezentujemy dwa fragmenty tekstu, w którym celowo wprowadziliśmy błędy. Część pierwsza zawiera głównie błędy gramatyczne, z kolei część druga zawiera zwroty, które nie powinny znaleść się w poprawnie napisanej pracy naukowej.  Osoby, które prześlą nam najlepiej poprawione teksty do 26 grudnia, 2017, otrzymają od nas świąteczne upominki.

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Serdecznie zapraszamy do Świątecznej zabawy


Part 1

Lipids was extracted using the protocol available on the Thomas Lipidomics Research Center website and analyzed at MS as previously describing. Unfractionated lipid extracts has been introducing by constant infusion at the ESI source in a triple quadrupole CS/MS. Leaf tissue is grount in solid nitrogen and RNA has been extracted using a acid guanidinium thiocyanate/phenol/chloroform mix. Generally, plasmids containing the desired inserts of the ABC gene was electroporated on the Agrobacterium tumifciens strain ABCD. I have to say that presence of the corresponding plasmids in the EFGH transformants seemingly was confirmed on the basis of PCR. It is clear that the data obtained during this study showed a promising results. It is worth mentioning that these results cast a new light in the field of studying lipids.


Part 2 

Functionalized polythiophene compound 1 exhibits attractive electronic properties and shows fluorescence due to functionalized polythiophene 1 possessing a benzyl group at the C5 position. The synthetic methodology represents both a significant advance over previous reports of functionalized polythiophene compounds and opens a new avenue towards developing novel photoexcitable oligomers.
